"Marketing & new technology can be confusing, it's no wonder business owners feel stuck and bogged down.

Our DAM RIGHT package simplifies your marketing, enables you to prosper, and adds hours back into your day."

Meet Our Team

Marketing Clinic uses a trusted team of full-time staff and contractors to deliver our marketing solutions. Full-time staff include:

Luke Hamilton
Founder &CEO

Luke Hamilton

Luke is the founder & CEO of the Marketing Clinic.

He has a passion for both technology and small business. 

Marketing Clinic was set up to help small business owners use technology to grow their businesses. Luke’s specialist capabilities include Google Ads, data analytics, and website development.

Marketing Clinic has been helping small business ever since 2012.

Back Office Manager
(Diploma in Accounting and Business Management)

Ivrahim Khalil Babu

Babu is the Back office manager of Marketing Clinic. 

He obtained Diploma in Accounting and Business Management from Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) before joining Marketing Clinic in 2016.