What Can I Do To Increase Website Traffic?

Marketing Implementation Clinic have a number of services that can help attract new customers to your website. Here are just a few:


There are many factors that will determine your SEO success. It can get confusing and it can be very difficult for a business owner to judge the success or failure of a SEO campaign, and an SEO company.

However, there is one factor that is more important than all others – Content. Creating engaging content is the cornerstone of any good modern SEO strategy.

Marketing Implementation Clinic are unique in that we exclude content creation services from our standard monthly packages. We do this for a number of reasons:

  • You know your business better than anyone else and we want to support you writing or generating your own content.
  • Paying someone else to produce your content can be an expensive exercise. We want this service to be itemised and transparent so that if you do choose to use us you know exactly what you are getting for your money.

Our SEO services include:

  • Publishing the content you produce in such a way as to maximise your chances of getting listed highly on the search engines. This is also convenient if you can’t be bothered learning WordPress.
  • Designing a Content Marketing plan with you so that content creation becomes much easier. It’s much easier to produce content with a common thread than to produce lots of disconnected posts. We’ll map out the first 6 months of content creation during our first Content Marketing plan.
  • Depending on your business it may be appropriate for you to use your mobile to make impromptu videos. We’ll then take your videos and turn them into a professional piece of Search Engine optimised magic.

Of course, we can always create content for you.


Another way of getting listed in the SERP is to pay Google.

In this case, you can construct a text advert, and pay Google to list the advert at the top or bottom of the SERP page whenever a set of keywords are submitted. This is called SERP advertising.


Google has entered into an agreement with most big websites in Australia. These websites have set aside space on their websites for Google to show their (i.e. your) advertisements. This network of websites is called the Google Display Network (GDN).

Advertisements shown in the GDN can be ‘image’ adverts or ‘text’ adverts. However, most people think of’ ‘image’ adverts whenever the GDN is mentioned.

Google has a number of powerful ways of targeting the right people so that your adverts are showing to relevant people. These strategies include:

  • Managed Placements – You name the websites that you’d like to show your adverts
  • Contextual Targeting –  List relevant topics and Google will show your adverts on pages relating to those topics.
  • Remarketing – Show your adverts across the whole GDN, but just to people who have previously visited your website.
  • In Market – Show your adverts to people who are actively ‘in the market’ for a listed product or service. Google looks at a number of factors to determine if someone is ‘in the market’ for a service including their Search Engine history and website browsing history.