Integrate your marketing system to a CRM & enjoy 360 vision of leads, lead sources, clients, sales and revenue. Say goodbye to those useless 'clicks & impressions' reports and hello to powerful ROI reports.
There's not much point in producing reports that you can't ACTION. That's why we start with a series of QUESTIONS. We then make sure we're collecting the INFORMATION to answer the questions. This is called our Q.I.A reporting system.
Segment your website visitors as they move through your client journey. Help them as they move from AWARENESS of your company to being ENGAGED & then onto a CLIENT.
Use your tracking & reporting system to provide superior feedback to Google/Facebook AI systems.
(deductible from the purchase price of a website or marketing package)
Suite 4, 123 Fitzroy St,
St Kilda Victoria 3182
03 9071 0544
Marketing Implementation Clinic
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