Godfather method

The LinkedIn advert risk-reward ratio is extreme compared with other platforms.

For some companies the cost of adverts is prohibitively high. Rather than not advertise, these companies should spend more time on their offer. Their goal should be to make an offer that can’t be refused.
Sell lead magnet, not your service

Your offer could be a generous discount or a valuable lead magnet. If it's a lead-magnet, the godfather method will have your follow-up system streamlined to efficiently guide your client from lead to client.

Superior B2B targeting

Using the Godfather method on the LinkedIn platform provides exposure to unrivalled B2B audience targeting. Show adverts to employees of specific companies or based on job titles.

Offer that can't be refused

The Godfather method does not send users off the platform. Instead, users accept your offer via Lead Gen forms. These forms are auto-connected to your CRM so you can follow up and deliver what you've promised.

Here are some more services:

A detailed digital marketing plan that utilises existing assets, and identifies the low hanging fruit so that you get your return on investment quickly
RIGHT message
Your website is key to growing your business and is the foundation of our ‘DAM RIGHT’ marketing system. We see many businesses that simply do not generate new business effectively.
A huge small business marketing hurdle has been removed with the advent of custom trained AI GPT's. The time consuming and essential task of creating content is now a lot easier.
RIGHT person
Google Search Ads are still the most effective method of generating leads for most small business. You'll have access to leads at every stage of the client journey - including those that are ready to 'buy' immediately.
The Google Algorithm has been shrouded in mystery. Not any longer. We now know that Google will list you high on search results if your website visitors are engaging with your content.
RIGHT time
It doesn’t matter how convincing your sales pitch is, most people simply need time to consider a purchase. They have every intention of buying but require at least 4 'touch points' before pulling out their credit card.
Use technology to convert visitors into leads and leads into clients every minute of the day. Use a human to track and optimiise the system regularly to ensure quality and best-practice standards are maintained.

Let's get your business transformation started

with a $600 +GST audit

(deductible from the purchase price of a website or marketing package)