LinkedIn lead prospecting method

LinkedIn lead prospecting method

A great way for B2B companies to generate new clients

Identify your ideal client through LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator tool, enter their details into your CRM, and then build trust & authority by solving their business problems via your Lead Magnets
Build authority, help your prospects

LinkedIn allows you to profile a prospect through their tool - Sales Navigator. You are then in a position to continue the conversation through your CRM and your value-adding lead magnets.

Reduce advertising costs

Your email list (and text message list) is one of the most valuable resources you'll own. It allows you to communicate with potential clients freely without paying Google, Facebook & LinkedIn for the privilege. This method will help you build your email list.


No, there are no advertising costs with this method. This is a huge relief given that LinkedIn’s ‘click costs’ often exceed $10 per click.

However, LinkedIn does charge you to use Sales Navigator. The entry cost for Sales Navigator is $118 per month.

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Your website is key to growing your business and is the foundation of our ‘DAM RIGHT’ marketing system. We see many businesses that simply do not generate new business effectively.
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The Google Algorithm has been shrouded in mystery. Not any longer. We now know that Google will list you high on search results if your website visitors are engaging with your content.
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Use A.I. technology to convert visitors into leads and leads into clients every minute of the day. Use a human to track and optimiise the system regularly to ensure quality and best-practice standards are maintained.

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