Retarget soft follow up

Retarget soft follow up

Many leads will want to use your services but were not able to sign up on your first meeting

Don’t leave money on the table. If you follow up your leads after making an offer you can increase conversion rates by 3x
Websites advert follow up

Otherwise known as Google remarketing, this form of advertising is a great way to get under the nose of a lead. With adverts appearing on high-quality websites, you'll position your company as modern and cutting-edge.

Facebook advert follow up

Otherwise known as Facebook retargeting, this is another opportunity to remind your lead of your offer. Facebook adverts also help you build the profile of your company.

Youtube advert follow up

Otherwise known as YouTube remarketing, this platform extends your online profile and provides another opportunity for a touch-point with a lead who is ready to purchase.

Instagram advert follow up

Otherwise known as Instagram retargeting, this platform is less likely to be used by your competitors and will help you stand out as a significant company in your industry.

LinkedIn follow up

Similarly, LinkedIn allows you to show adverts to clients who have received an offer from you and have yet to accept the offer.


We use remarketing & retargeting to tag clients who have not yet accepted an offer that you’ve made to them.

The lead can be encouraged to move further along your ‘client journey’ by showing them specific adverts relating to your offer.

Often the advert will trigger a positive result and they will accept the offer. There is a popular theory that says many people will take action after 4 ‘touchpoints’. The initial offer is one touch point. If they then see 3 adverts over the next 2 weeks then your offer could be accepted.

Other leads may need more convincing. In this case, after 3 weeks of adverts you may offer them a 2nd Lead Magnet (an eBook or video) helping them to overcome any obstacles that may be stopping them from accepting your offer.


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