What Are 'On-Page' SEO Services?

On-Page SEO Vs Off-Page SEO On-Page SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the process of publishing and optimising content on your website in order to increase the chances of Google listing your website in the Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for keywords relevant to your business. In comparison, Off-Page SEO is the process of publishing and optimising content on the internet, other than your website, with the goal of improving your Google SERP listing. For example, an Off-Page SEO strategy would include a process for publishing content on your social media channels including Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google+. On-Page SEO – Get Started with Keyword Targets Ok, you’ve written a great piece of content relating to a service your business offers. What next? The first thing to do is use Google historical data to find out a set of keywords suitable for you to target. Luckily Google makes this information freely available and their are plenty of tools available to help you. During this process you should consider: The number of people typing that Keyword into the Google Search Engine over previous months. You’ll then be able to calculate the Website Traffic you can expect if you are returned in the Google SERP. The competition to that Keyword. Which

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'Local SEO' Needs To Be A Part Of Your Overall SEO Strategy

Local SEO should be an important part of your overall SEO strategy. It often plays a huge role in increasing website traffic. Your company Google+ page is the hub of your Local SEO strategy and needs to be carefully constructed. It’s important that your business local settings are accurate and complete in order to maximise local listing opportunities. Google needs to know that the address you have provided is accurate. In order to check the address Google will: Send you a ‘snail mail’ letter from California to the address you have registered. The letter will contain a PIN you’ll need in order to get listed. Compare the address, company name, and phone number of your Google Local listing to those on other business listing websites. These other business listing websites include websites like,,, Facebook and others. It is CRITICAL that your business details on these websites are EXACTLY the same as that listed on your Google Local page. Google places huge importance on knowing that you are a real company. Don’t underestimate the value of completing steps 1 and 2 above. A business listing on a relevant website is often called a citation. Try and get as many citations as you possibly can. If you’re short

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RIP Website Development Guy – Take Control with this NEW Tool

Every now and again a piece of technology comes around that changes everything. A new Drag & Drop technology that Marketing Clinic has recently adopted is one of those. This technology allows you to make your own changes to your website and could flag the end of expensive website development costs. The Problem The age old problem for small business is that you need to go through a website development guy every time you want to make a change to your website. Often, even the smallest changes have to pass through this bottleneck. It’s frustrating, and since a website is the hub of your marketing system, the problem is amplified as you add marketing systems. Finally, A Solution That Works! Over the last 2 years, we’ve been closely watching the emergence of a new technology that solves the problem. This intuitive and easy to use ‘Drag & ‘Drop’ technology in outlined in our Resource Guide “6 Game Changing Tools That Transformed Our Business”. Marketing Implementation Clinic is pleased to report that this technology has matured to a point that it is now the clear choice as a development tool for small business. What Are The Benefits To The Small Business Owner? We’ll now list the 5 main benefits of this Drag

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Tech Tool Tip – 'Google Search Console' Is A Winner

  It always amazes me to find out that a business owner doesn’t know about the Google Search Console. The Marketing Clinic rates the Google Search Console as the single most important tool when it comes SEO planning and reporting. The Search Console is a tool supplied by Google. You therefore know that the data is 100% accurate. The Search Console is also free! The most useful Marketing Clinic reports are generated from Search Console data. The area within the Search Console that provides the most interest is found by Clicking on the “Search Traffic” -> “Search Analytics” menu item. It is here that Google will give you extremely useful details relating to when it has listed your company on the Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page). The first thing you need to set is the time period. The maximum allowed period is 90 days – so let’s set it to look at the last 90 days of data. Google will then give you a set of very useful information including: The ‘Keywords’ (Query) typed into the Google Search Engine which resulted in your website being listed on the SERP. The number of times (Impressions) Google listed your website on the SERP when this Query was used. The

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SEO Strategy – Long Tail Keywords

A very powerful SEO strategy we commonly use is to use ‘long tail keywords’. In this case, rather than target a highly competitive keyword like ‘electrician’, we will target a less competitive keyword that includes the original keyword like ‘home electrician Melbourne’. As our success with the keyword ‘electrician Melbourne’ increases, we will be in a much better position to additionally target the competitive keyword ‘electrician’. Google will, in effect, give us some credit when we target “electrician” as it can easily see the two sets of keywords are connected. For a more thorough overview of how we approach SEO you can check out this page – On Page SEO Services.

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Why Would I Lead Score My Website Visitors?

Marketing Implementation Clinic offers a range of services relating to the gathering and analysis of lead behaviour in order to assess where a lead is positioned within the sales lifecycle. By ‘Lead Scoring’ your leads and customers, you’re able to compile information on their behaviour across different channels, which can in turn trigger automated sequences of emails, advertising campaigns, or prompt sales staff to take manual actions like making a phone call. Strategies like these often have a dramatic affect on your Revenue as you are able to identify and influence website visitors who are in the ‘buy zone’. Not only that, but the actions you take can be personalised as you now have a thorough understanding of the website visitor. By identifying such customers you are able to intervene and help them through any problems or obstacles they may have. Every action on a website can be tracked and stored against the leads name. All this happens behind the scenes without the lead having to identify themselves. The website tracking data can be combined with past ordering patterns, the size of the company the visitor works for, or any other offline intelligence you may have that you consider relevant. For example, you can track and notify your

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Marketing Automation – It's Time to Make Money

Create Amazing website (done) Build List Of Leads (done) Now what…..? ……. Well, now it’s time to see exactly who on that list is in the BUY ZONE. 95% of people who visit your website are not in the BUY ZONE. They are window shopping or trying to educate themselves. So imagine receiving an email notification whenever someone in the BUY ZONE visits your website. This is what it could look like: “Hi,    Bruce has just visited your pricing page. Bruce works at BING Ltd, and holds the position of Purchasing Manager. Bruce is tagged as VIP. Bruce watched How To Install A Widget at 10am on October 1st. Bruce has visited your website 3 times in the last month. Click here to see the details of those visits” This is an automated email that automatically constructs the email using the tracking information it has automatically gathered …..WOW…. This works terrifically well for Ecommerce websites as well. Imagine if Bruce showed all the signs of being interested (watching videos, visiting numerous pages, scrolling through product lists…) and then didn’t end up buying. Might be time for a follow up with Bruce don’t you think?… And that’s not all that

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What is SEO?

When someone wants a service or product, one of the first places they visit is a Search Engine. They type in their Keywords and study the list that is presented to them in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). The potential customer will often call or email one of the companies listed in the SERP and use their services. It is therefore desirable for a company to be listed highly in the SERP for keywords that relate to the products or services they offer. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of developing a presence on the internet (including, but not limited to your website) such that the search engines judge your company to be an authority in the field relating to the keywords that are entered. If the Search Engine considers you to be an expert, they will list you highly. There are many factors that will determine your SEO success. It can be very complicated for a business owner to judge the success or failure of a SEO campaign. We’re not going to list all these factors. However, we will mention the single most important thing that will determine your SEO success – Content. Content is the word

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What Can I Do To Increase Website Traffic?

Marketing Implementation Clinic have a number of services that can help attract new customers to your website. Here are just a few: SEO There are many factors that will determine your SEO success. It can get confusing and it can be very difficult for a business owner to judge the success or failure of a SEO campaign, and an SEO company. However, there is one factor that is more important than all others – Content. Creating engaging content is the cornerstone of any good modern SEO strategy. Marketing Implementation Clinic are unique in that we exclude content creation services from our standard monthly packages. We do this for a number of reasons: You know your business better than anyone else and we want to support you writing or generating your own content. Paying someone else to produce your content can be an expensive exercise. We want this service to be itemised and transparent so that if you do choose to use us you know exactly what you are getting for your money. Our SEO services include: Publishing the content you produce in such a way as to maximise your chances of getting listed highly on the search engines. This is also convenient if you can’t be bothered learning WordPress.

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What Does Lead Conversion mean?

A good ‘Lead Conversion’ mechanism will subtly encourage a website visitor to provide their contact details via your website. Once you have their email, you can more easily convert them into paying customers. Lead Conversion is, therefore, an essential part of increasing your revenue and growing your company. Marketing Clinic is an expert in Lead Conversion mechanisms and strategies. Your website will be using world best practice when it comes to implementing: Calls To Action Lead Magnets Landing Pages However, you have no need to worry about the technicalities. We will not only implement these for you, but we will also educate you should you wish to learn more about this interesting part of online marketing. The Marketing Implementation Clinic is constantly reviewing, testing and implementing the latest technologies so that you receive maximum functionality and benefit.

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Service Launch – Marketing Automation & Lead Scoring

Tag & Track Website Visitors Based On Their Actions Identify and track your website visitors when they perform actions, such as visiting a page on your website, clicking a button on your website, or watching a video. Automatically assign a value to each action and store the results against that visitors name in the marketing database (i.e. lead score). Identify Leads & Customers Most Likely To Buy Use event tracking and lead scoring to identify your best leads and those that could benefit from some special attention. Sort and filter by lead score and focus your efforts on your most engaged visitors. Automated Emails, Targeted Facebook & Google Advertisements Send an automated sequence of emails over a period of time, such as an email course on a topic related to the content they have been viewing. Get them back in the ‘Buy Zone’ by automatically adding them to a Facebook custom audience and sending them subtle & targeted advertisements reminding them of why you’re special and how you can help them. How Much Does It Cost? This is a difficult question to answer in isolation, and the reason why is that there is another connected question we need to ask first:

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Money, Money, Money (& website development)

Money is a great motivator. A primary goal when developing your website is to clearly and quickly communicate how you will help your customer make money. This is called your “Value Proposition”. Not only that, you need to communicate how you, as opposed to your competitor, can provide them with value and profits. This is called your ” Unique Value Proposition”. In short, if your website can clearly and quickly communicate your Unique Value Proposition then you will win the business. The first thing the Marketing Implementation Clinic will do with you is to identify your UVP. As an example, let’s talk about the Marketing Implementation Clinic. Our Unique Value Proposition is: “To help small business grow their profits through online marketing. We do this by offering affordable packages that cherry pick the most effective marketing strategies. We are one of the few marketing companies that will work with small business on tight budgets.” Here are some questions to ask yourself as you go through the process of identifying your Unique Value Proposition: Who are my ideal customers? Who is NOT my target customer? What are my ideal customers pain points? Why should they buy from me (and not my competitor)? Once you’ve identified you UVP it’s time to

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